Event Information
EconOlympiad is a two-part competition focused on not just the knowledge of economics, but also the application. The first part is a presentation round in which you and your team will have three weeks to develop and submit a video that responds to a provided prompt. The second part is a debate round. After completing the presentation, top teams will advance to a debate round. A prompt will be released, and teams will have one week to research and prepare. Results from both rounds will compose your team’s final score.
Professors from the country’s top economics programs will serve as judges for both the presentation and debate rounds.
Presentation Round
Competitors will have up to three week to create their presentation up to 10 minutes in duration. There will be a prompt that focuses on Macroeconomics concepts. Your group will have a chance to research the prompts, take a position, provide facts to support your argument, and use your reasoning to tie it all together.
Debate Round
Top teams will participate in a debate with a prompt different from previous choices, determining the final EconOlympiad winners.